Tuesday 2 November 2010

Analysis of "Final Destination" Movie trailer

Create a promotional package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover,  featuring the film, and a poster for the film.
In 1999, Alex Browning is going on a high school graduation trip to Paris with his fellow students. Before Volée Air Flight 180's take-off, Alex has a premonition that the flight will explode on take off, killing everybody on board. When events from his vision begin to repeat themselves in reality, he panics and attempts to stop the flight before take-off. The resulting commotion leads to a handful of passengers being left behind, including Alex, orphan Clear Rivers , Alex's best friend Todd Waggner, teacher Valerie Lewton, Alex's rival Carter Horton, Carter's girlfriend Terry Chaney, and student Billy Hitchcock. After they are all forced off the plane, none of the passengers believe what Alex says until the airliner takes off and explodes in mid-air, killing everyone left on it. The survivors are devastated, and two FBI agents interview the people taken off the plane, and are particularly interested with Alex's vision.
One month later, Todd is strangled in his shower, and his death is deemed a suicide. When Alex and Clear go to see his body, mysterious mortician William Bludworth  tells them that Death is intervening to kill everyone who was meant to die on the plane. Terry falls victim the next day when she is hit by a speeding bus. After watching a news report detailing the cause of the explosion of Flight 180 Alex comes to the conclusion that Death is killing the survivors in the order they would have died in the explosion on the plane. Using information he has collected, he determines that Ms. Lewton is next on Death's list. He rushes to her house but arrives too late to save her from being impaled by a falling kitchen knife during a house fire.
Alex contacts the remaining survivors, Billy, Clear and Carter, to tell them what he thinks is happening. As they are riding in Carter's car, Alex has another vision of a train and a seat-belt ripping. Frustrated with not having control over his death, Carter attempts to drive head-on into a fuel tanker but the car seemingly by itself turns and avoids the collision, Carter then stops his car on a train crossing, wanting to kill himself before Death does. At the last moment however he changes his mind but cannot exit his car as his seat-belt is jammed. Alex rushes to help Carter from his car, and as he foresaw, Carter's seat-belt rips and he is freed a second before the train destroys the car, thus cheating Death. Seconds later, Billy's head is cut in half by a slab of car wreckage whipped up by the train's wheels.
Alex believes that because he intervened in Carter's death he has saved Carter, Death skipped Carter and went on to Billy. Later he remembers in his original premonition he was asked to switch seats on the plane, and realizes that Clear is actually the next to die. Alex rushes to Clear's house to find her trapped in her car surrounded by fire. She is unable to escape her vehicle, which is about to explode, as a damaged electrical cable is precariously flipping around outside. Alex saves her by picking up the live cable but is electrocuted. Clear and the police rush to Alex's aid as the screen fades to white.
Six months later,  Alex,  Clear, and Carter are in Paris talking about their experience about Flight 180, and celebrating that it is all over and they are finally in Paris. Shortly thereafter, a freak incident involving a bus causes a giant neon sign to swing off a hinge down towards Alex. Carter manages to intervene and pushes Alex to the ground, with the sign swinging down past the two of them. Carter then stands up and turns to Alex who is still on the ground. Carter asks Alex who is next on Death's list. The sign swings back down on its momentum towards where Carter is standing; the screen fades to black and a loud whack is heard, leaving Alex and Clear as the last two survivors of Flight 180.

Analysis of "Creep" Movie trailer

Create a promotional package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover,  featuring the film, and a poster for the film.
The film opens with two sewer workers in London, Arthur and George , who discover a tunnel in one of the walls that neither of them is familiar with. Arthur enters and when he does not emerge or respond to George afterwards, George follows. He soon discovers Arthur, injured and in a state of shock. Moments later, a similarly injured young woman jumps out in front of them, crying for help, only to be pulled back into the darkness.
The focus then shifts to a young German woman, Kate at a party. After hearing of another party that George Clooney is supposedly attending, she decides to travel there. After unsuccessfully trying to get a taxi, she heads to Charing Cross tube station, but soon falls asleep on the platform while waiting for the train. When she awakens, she is alone and finds the entire station locked up for the night. Another train arrives and she boards it, but it stops abruptly. Confused, Kate makes her way to the conductor's compartment but is unsuccessful in finding a reason for it as unbeknownst to her, the driver has been killed. Kate soon encounters Guy , an obsessive acquaintance from the previous party. Guy, intoxicated by cocaine, crudely attempts to seduce her, but Kate is not interested and tries to leave the train. Guy then begins to rape her, but is dragged off her and out of the train by an unseen attacker.
Kate flees from the train and runs into a homeless couple, Jimmy and Mandy, and their dog, a Jack Russell terrier called Ray. Kate explains what has happened and Jimmy reluctantly agrees to help her after she pays him. Meanwhile, Mandy is also attacked while alone. Kate and Jimmy find Guy lying on the railway track with his back mutilated. After they pull him onto the platform, Ray appears with blood smeared on his fur. Jimmy, immediately thinking of Mandy, goes with Ray back to their shelter where she is nowhere to be found. Kate attempts to contact a watchman via speakers to get help. Suspicious of her, the watchman demands Guy to be dragged in front of the security cameras to prove that she is not lying. When she does so, Guy dies and the watchman is also killed in his office by having his throat slit by the stalker. Kate runs back to a despondent Jimmy who has shot himself full of drugs. She eventually persuades him to help her find Mandy and a way out of the station. After exploring a tunnel together, another train pulls up in front of them. Jimmy enters and is killed by the stalker, who was lurking on the roof. Kate flees into the sewer system below the station, but is soon captured by the killer; a hideously deformed, mentally ill hermit named "Craig" AKA The Creep .
Kate finds herself in a water-filled cage deeper underground, presumably being stored as food for Craig. She also meets George, who is still alive and also trapped. However, before Craig can harm either of them, Kate manages to escape, temporarily incapacitate Craig, and release George. Together, they run through several dark corridors and end up in a secret, deserted abortion clinic, where they find an unconscious Mandy strapped on an operating chair and mistakenly presume her to be dead. However, before they can investigate further, Craig appears and they are forced to flee and leave Mandy alone with him, who kills her in a twisted imitation of an abortion.
George and Kate eventually find themselves in an abandoned platform and Craig soon catches up to them once again. George attacks Craig, but is impaled through the head with a serrated blade protruding out of a wall. Kate attempts to escape, but is soon cornered by Craig. She breaks down until she spots a large hook on a long chain, with which she stabs Craig's throat. She then hears the distant sounds of an approaching train and she throws the other end of the chain over the tunnel, in an attempt to electrocute him. Her plan fails, and although severely wounded, Craig rises and attempts to crush Kate with a barrel. Then the train passes through the tunnel and smashes into the chain, which tears out his throat. Craig finally dies, and Kate makes her way through the tunnel and finds herself back in Charing Cross Station. Tattered and filthy, she collapses on a platform and Ray appears, curling onto her lap. The film ends when a man waiting for a train puts a coin next to her, thinking she is a beggar, and she breaks into hysterical giggles and tears.

Analysis of "Wrong Turn 3" Movie trailer

Create a promotional package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover,  featuring the film, and a poster for the film.
College student Alex and her friends go into the woods on a rafting trip. Her friends are killed by the mutant cannibal 'Three Fingers'. She is left to fend for herself, but not for long. Two days later a most dangerous Mexican prisoner, Carlo Chavez, and group of prisoners are being transferred by Nate Wilson, a prison guard, on his last day before leaving to become a lawyer. On the way, Nate meets up with an old friend, Sheriff Calvin Carver, making viewers aware that Nate has been in these lands before. During transportation their bus is attacked by Three Fingers and they escape. While being chased through the woods, the prisoners led by Chavez, use Nate as a guide to lead them to a watch tower to issue an SOS. Officer Walter, now a prisoner, encounters Alex and an abandoned armoured truck filled with cash. The money quickly becomes the prisoners' sole motivation for escape and survival. Chavez commands Walter to pick up one of the bags of money, but Walter refuses because of his injury from Three Fingers. Walter pulls out a gun and tries to shoot Chavez. Unfortunately, the gun was not loaded and Chavez kills Nate's friend.
During the trail, they stumble upon a booby trap. The prisoners escape the booby trap set by Three-Toes. They then catch the son and behead him, leaving a trophy on the spent booby trap for Three Fingers to find as a message. They soon realize it only made Three Fingers even more fearsome. One-by-one, Three Fingers hunts and murders every prisoner and kills the sheriff and his deputy. During the killings, Nate and Alex manage to escape. They are able to find the watch tower, which was badly burned years ago (first movie). Chavez decides to get rid of Nate, but instead promises him another way to get out. They find Three Finger's truck and Chavez uses Alex as bait. Three Fingers kidnapped Alex and Nate rescues her. Floyd steals the money and Chavez chases him down only to see his money burning and Floyd gets killed by Three Fingers. Three Fingers goes to another location to find the rest, until he is face to face with Chavez and battles him with a Hatchet and a meat hook. Both beat one another, but Three Fingers eventually kills Chavez, hangs his corpse in a tree, removes his scalp and eats part of his brain. Nate finds Three Fingers' house with the help of the sheriff's dog and frees Alex. Three Fingers hides behind a door and ambushes Nate. The dog attacks Three Fingers to save them, but is killed by the hook. Alex stabs Three Fingers using the large stake that held Three Toes' head and believes she killed him. Nate and Alex take his tow truck and drive away. Thinking it's over, Three Fingers follows them and gets on top of the truck. Nate crashes into a tree and Brandon the prisoner, sees the whole thing and decides to help them. The truck catches fire and is about to explode, when Brandon gets Alex out then Nate. Three Fingers attempts to attack them but something goes wrong and he is finally killed when Nate stabs him in the head with his own meat hook.
Sometime later, Nate returns to collect the remaining cash from the truck. But Brandon, who is one of the convicts that Nate let go, kills him with an arrow through the chest, with the retort, "Never trust a con". A cannibal appears holding a crude weapon dripping with blood and walks towards Brandon, as Brandon's scream and a hillbilly laugh is heard over the ending credits.
The beginning of the trailer shows establishing pan shots looking over the West Virginia forest. This sets the scene for the location of the film. Fast cuts showing people running through the forest, this could indicate they are being chased, therefore giving the audience an insight into the characters and the storyline. There are then short and quick shots of the cannibals using weapons, causing tension and fear for the viewer. Shots taken in the dark signifies dander and horror, typical of this genre. Close up facial shots of the main character, Alex looking frightened, close up shots of the weapons used, possibly in the film. Title sequences in black with a voice over to it adding fear and tension to the film. A short dolly tracking shot of one of the mutants victims being dragged across the floor, then cuts to a night time shot showing one of the cannibals laying over its victim stroking her in a sick yet seductive way. She is screaming while he is licking her face dangerously. This then cuts to a wide shot showing 2 men standing joking around laughing, and 2 women laying in bikinis on a small beach within the forest. This gives the audience the impression something sinister is about to happen, given the storyline and there vulnerability. It also shows there young ages and immature nature. This then fades out close-mid shot of one of the girls taking their bikini top off, then cuts to another voice over and title sequence adding even more tension to the storyline. We then see an over the shoulder shot looking onto one of the young men touching the young woman's breast. Another title comes in as a continuation of the previous title as one sentence, then a fast fade out showing the topless girl being shot at with an arrow, which impales through her back, her breast and stabs through the mans hand. This then switches to a very fast shot lasting less than a second, showing the arrow through the nipple and the hole in the mans hand. Another over the shoulder shot in used on the same girl, showing the arrow through her nipple and the sheer horror on the mans face as he looks at his hand. It then cuts to a flashing title ‘UNRATED’, which we continue to see throughout the trailer. After this, we being to see the booby tramps the mutant cannibals have set out, and very quickly using short and fast shots, we see each victim fall to their death in the booby trap. Towards the middle to the end of the trailer we begin to see more group shots as the characters begin it gang up and work together, then finally stops on a high and shows the end title which is the name of the film, ‘Wrong Turn 3’.

Ancillary Task, "The Final Destination" film poster

Ancillary tasks: Analyse a Movie poster.
Here I am analysing the poster for the horror film, “The Final Destination”. I will be looking for the use of layout, fonts, colours, images used, language, representation and conventions.
The dark colours of this poster can indicate vulnerability, darkness, terror and unawareness. This can draw the audience in and make them want to know more about the film, therefore making the poster appeal more.
Typical conventions are shown here. The big face in the centre of the page is made to look like a shattered mirror, and broken shards of class, similar to the font style we saw in “Wrong Turn 3”. The tag line at the top of the poster is also a convention of film posters, therefore making it more obvious. The top half of the face picture shows normal humans face, but then at the bottom of the face where the mirror is showing it is broken more, it shows what looks to be a skeleton, which indicates death and danger.
The layout of the picture being right in the middle of the page can be a sign of its vulnerability, or in this case, the vulnerability of the victim characters in the film. The character is also in the primary optical areas of the page. Though it is said that the left hand side is said to be the more dominant side, in the case it is the centre that is the most dominant. The face right in the centre of the picture shows the emphasis on the victim and the fact that the face is broken up, can indicate something horrific. The route of the eye follows across the page towards the tag line, it then scans down the face diagonally over the title towards the title of the film, and then in terminal area is shows the cinema release date.
The font used for the title shows the writing as glowing edges, almost giving it a supernatural feel to it. In some ways this film is about supernatural, as it is about fate and escaping death, not like in “Wrong Turn” where real life people were doing the killing. The text also is rather small, which shows its significance in the story line, and it is also all in capitals, which seems to be a theme with horror film posters. The “Final Destination” shown in white can signify its innocence, but can also be used as a contrast to the black background, and making it stand out better.
Typical representation of horror films are shown here, as they are using a human character as the victim, and the supernatural as the antagonist.

Ancillary Task, "Wrong Turn 3" film poster

Ancillary tasks: Analyse a Movie poster.
Here I am analysing the poster for the horror film, “Wrong Turn 3”. I will be looking for the use of layout, fonts, colours, images used, language, representation and conventions. The dark colours of this poster can indicate vulnerability, darkness, terror and unawareness. This can draw the audience in and make them want to know more about the film, therefore making the poster appeal more. The layout of the font being right in the middle of the page can be a sign of its vulnerability, or in this case, the vulnerability of the victim characters in the film. The characters are also in the primary optical areas of the page, with the mutant man in the corner, and the victim on the right hand side of the page, even though the left hand side is said to be the more dominant side, in the case it is the right who is the most dominant. The tree right in the centre of the picture shows the separation between the victim and the antagonist. Perhaps because they are both from different worlds in terms of the way they look and behave. It also tries to show that the mutant cannibal is hunting the female victim and she is hiding behind this tree.
The route of the eye follows across the page towards the girls face, it the scans down the face diagonally over the title towards the mutant cannibal man, then the terminal area shows the sentence, “what you don’t see will kill you”. The image shows that the mutant cannibal is hunting the female victim and she is hiding behind this tree. It shows a close up of the victim, to help the audience see her emotions, and then a long shot and deep focus of the man running towards her carrying the axe. Typical conventions are shown here. The make-up shown on the girls face indicates that this is a horror film because of the blood, and the blood stained clothes etc.  The props with the axe shows this could also be a horror film and you can noticeably see the male character doesn’t look particularly all human. Typical representation of horror films is shown here, as they are using a female character as the victim, and a male character as the antagonist. The size of her in comparison to the male character shows that perhaps she can fight for herself, and could possibly come out on top as the ‘final girl’.
The font used for the title shows the writing as sharp and jagged edges, almost like shards of glass or knives, or other sharp objects that are associated with horror films. The text also has a number of cracks through indicate that it is broken and/ or sharp, which can point out the danger of the film. The location of the font being right in the middle of the page can be a sign of its vulnerability, or in this case, the vulnerability of the victim characters in the film. The “Wrong Turn” shown in white can signify its innocence, they took the ‘Wrong Turn’, type of innocence, but then the “UNRATED” and “3” in red signify blood or danger.

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